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TWFW Asia Projects

Bible Translation in Asia

The Word For The World is engaged in over fifty full scale Bible translation projects in Asia (as of 2019) with numerous new projects planned for 2020. 

The following are a selection of some of the people groups we are involved with with names of people and places changed to protect the identities of those working in sensitive areas. 



Started in May 2012

The Purvachep are a scattered tribe in a remote region of South East Asia with no official homeland of their own, yet maintain a rich cultural heritage and unique language. Their New Testament was published at the end of 2017, and work continues on the Old Testament.

Monthly Budget




Started in July 2014

Whilst the Teimei had access to the Bible before, it was written in a script which is not their own. After a group of Churches petitioned us to help them produce a new translation, work began with them in 2014. 

Monthly Budget


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Started in June 2015

The Kharam are a tiny tribe of only about two thousand speakers located in hill areas surrounding a valley. Despite their small number, they are incredibly proud of their own language. Their New Testament is scheduled for completion in 2020. 

Monthly Budget


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Started in January 2010

The Bunug are a small people group of South Asia living in international border states. Their translation began in 2011, and in 2018 their New Testament was published. Translators are now working on the Old Testament.

Monthly Budget


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Started in January 2010

The Nagut predominantly live in international border areas in South Asia, and their New Testament was dedicated in 2019. Work continues on their Old Testament. 

Monthly Budget




Started in January 2010

The Ganit of South Asia are proud of their culture and language, with many, even non-believers, celebrating at the launch of their New Testament in 2018 as they believe it will be a great boost to the preservation of their language and culture. Translators are now hard at work to complete the Old Testament. 

Monthly Budget




Started in June 2019

The approximately 800'000 Unda* speakers in South East Asia have recently begun promoting their own language and culture after the region came out of a time of military oppression. Translation began in 2019. 

Monthly Budget




Started in 2013

The Dai are a small majority Christian tribe of about 30,000 found in the Chin Hills of Myanmar. They celebrated the launch of their New Testament in January 2019 and are eagerly awaiting the completion of the Old Testament too. 

Monthly Budget




Started in June 2019

The Weida are a relatively large people group in South East Asia. The very few Christians among them are keen to have the Word in their own language, so they can share the Good News with their fellow brothers and sisters despite the hostilities they face for their faith. 

Monthly Budget




Started in January 2018

The Kinerah* are a large people group of South East Asia with a rich history and unique identity within the country. Work began on their translation in 2018 for this people group with less than 1% Christians out of their population of about three million. 

Monthly Budget


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